Doctor and hospital sued for circumcision

Doctors may think that parental consent is all they need to surgically modify the genitals of infant boys but they can still be held liable for malpractice when those little boys grow up. Leave our penises alone and end circumcision now!

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11 thoughts on “Doctor and hospital sued for circumcision”

  1. Several states now have laws that will enable men up to age 25 to file a lawsuit against the doctor/hospital for circumcisions performed in the last few years. Many states currently require a lawsuit to be filed by the time the person turns 21 (3 years after age of majority) for things done to them as a child. Since many 21 year old males are still dependent on their parents for financial help (college expenses, etc), they are reluctant to file lawsuits over a circumcision that their parents gave consent for. Now, in some states, it will be much easier for today’s babies to file a lawsuit when they are an independent adult. Doctors/hospitals should consider their future financial libiability to the childen they mutilate today. If doctors won’t stop circumcision because it is wrong – (unneccessary and harmful) – maybe they will stop because circumcision will be harmful to their own pocketbooks.


  2. It’s probably just a matter of time before we hear about more cases like this one. The results will be the same, settling for a large sum of money. The docs and hospitals don’t have a leg to stand on. Circumcision is elective and parents can’t give proxy consent for elective procedures. Plus, the docs are performing an unnecessary surgery, something that is illegal in most states.

    I expect we’ll eventually see class action suits where all the young men cut by a certain hospital or doctor get together.


    1. Hi Lilly,Just wanted to leave you a note to say that you put up a great witesbe that I will be using a lot. Not so much for myself as most of the info is locked in my head already ever since we decided not to cut our baby boy. For me clear as soon as I knew we’d have a boy but for my husband difficult at first (he is Jewish and we live in Israel) but once he started reading articles on the issue he changed his mind almost instantly and will now defend our choice like a lion to anyone that disagrees! You will not believe the argument people bring up here! Anyway, I’ll be forwarding the url to friends that are going to have boys and hope it will help. Keep up the good work!Noortje


  3. Doesn’t matter how old you are, if the doctor is alive, you can bring forth a lawsuit against him if he never had your consent to perform this surgery on you.

    If the doctor is dead, then just sue the hospital.


    1. . So many of us who made that choice were siplmy ill-informed. I know that when my ex-husband and I made the choice, we siplmy followed what his parents had done it didn’t occur to me not to. I would never ever intentionally harm my child, and I do feel awful today about that choice. No amount of someone lambasting me is going to change it, nor does it serve any purpose.


      1. If sons are forced to live with the physical and other burdens of such a decision then parents should expect to carry the burden of their role as well,even if that is simply being confronted with their past choice and having its consequences on their mind. It was a bad decision, perhaps misinformed, but its unreasonable and unjust for parents to wash their hands of their leading role in it.


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